
Monday, March 18, 2013

Where did all my spoons go??

"But you don't look sick"...I get this quite frequently. I get ready and put makeup on like everyone else. Do I have to actually look sick to be sick? I want to paint a picture for you or help you understand more about Lupus. I could list a bunch of symptoms for you or bust out my auto immune system mumbo jumbo.
Let's try this instead...I woke up last Monday with intense pain in my right hand. Then it spread to my arm, shoulder and elbow. At the same time I felt it in my hips, knees and feet. I promise you this post isn't to complain lol. I thought I was getting the flu. My doctor said no infection or flu. So we summed it up to being lupus. I had been in remission since I was pregnant and it was awesome. It took me two full days to get a hold of my specialist. So I have been using Advil to deal with it. At the end of the day I feel like my body is on fire. With little with me has not been a walk in the park. Someone once said "Just because I'm in pain doesn't mean I have to be one". I want to say it was Maya Angelou on an Oprah episode. I try so hard to remember this. I am not a perfect person nor will I ever claim to be. I know I can't possibly be the easiest person to be around when I'm not feeling well. I have so much love to those who must deal with me. This is something that I continuously work on. What can I say..I'm a work in progress.  I'm pretty sure you get that this is painful now. Still that isn't the picture I wanted to paint exactly ha-ha. I will finish rambling now and leave this link in hopes you will click it and read it. This story is written perfectly..I will leave you now with The Spoon Theory and a photo of my babes...

This picture gets me every time! More posts and pics to come

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Did you Love?

Have you ever heard a song that stopped you in your that reaches out and grabs you? This song did that to me. While I was submitting another post, I was called to listen to this. At that moment I knew that I didn't want to forget this feeling. I had to get it out. There are so many words running through my head. There is so much I have to say on this topic. This time I will keep it brief. Right side? Left side? Try not to stereotype me. I am not one to debate religion or politics. This post isn't for those of you looking for a bone to pick. First and foremost...I believe in LOVE. I will do everything in my power for my kids to know without a doubt my love is unconditional.  It is as plain as that...I AM A MOM. I may be disappointed at some point and we will argue about many things. My love will always remain. I will do everything in my power for them to see me spread that love. In a world full of hate...that's what it comes down to...Did you love?

My mantra to my kids will be:
In my will always be the same person who captured my heart with your very first breath..

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Auld Lang Syne

2012 was an amazing year for me! After the craziness that filled 2011, I wasn't sure if a full amazing year was even possible..I am not sad to see it go. I am optimistic that 2013 will be amazing as well.

Snapshot of my year...

This year we celebrated the New Year with my family at home. Everyone is getting over being sick with the same crud going around. While I was a little sad to miss out on the usual New Years party was wonderful. Of all the crazy fun New Years of the past, this one has been my favorite by far. There will be many years in the future to dance and party. This one is wonderful in itself and belongs to my minis.

Daddy and mini on NYE

Last year I didn't make any new year resolutions. It felt a little like something was missing goal wise. I wanted to do so much but didn't set enough goals for myself. This year I may be in a little over my head but I'm very ambitious.
I started the whole 30 challenge today. With little sleep I have found myself eating less and less healthy. I want to be able to get the most out of what I intake. I need to be healthier..after all my own health is my responsibility.
I read about the one little word project online. It seems so simple to reflect and meditate on a simple word each day. I have decided my word for this year will be accomplish. The definition is to bring to its goal or conclusion; carry out; perform; finish: to accomplish one's mission. I will carry this word with me as I go through this year.

You can find more info on the whole 30 challenge here:

You can find more info on one little word here: